Friday, October 9, 2009

7th Readings

1st reading
I did not know there was a nonprofit organization, the Internet Society, which "oversees the formation of the policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet." That is a lot of control in one group. However, I can see the necessity of the group in keeping something as complex as the Internet working smoothly. I am curious on who are the core members in that group. I can see certain business members if they had seats making policies in the best interest of their company instead of the public. I do realize that the importance of the Internet Society. I am going to look up more information about the organization. They have a lot of power which I hope someone is keeping in check.

2nd reading
I understood this article on a theoretical base. For libraries to integrate with the new technology, they need to remove the old system by dismantling it. Librarians do realize that the world is changing. This is not a new fact. Pace illustrates librarians still in shock mode with the changes. Librarians are being presented with different systems all the time to adapt to the change. The problem is the lack of conformity. The best systems are the ones that are universally applied to all libraries like xml. In reality, this is a hard principle to follow. Each library has a different budget and diverse patrons. They find the system that best works for them. A place serving mostly older retired patrons is less likely to need a ton of computers. On the other hand, a library in high school would benefit with a lot of computers. I agree there should be a universal product applied. However, this will not happen until one system can work for multiple libraries in different environments.

3rd reading
The video was extremely informative. Sergey and Larry argued that running a successful multi-billion dollar company requires organization. Simple things can go a long way. By enclosing the projector, Google used the technology to organize meetings through a screen. They can now send emails by the people that attended the meeting. In addition, I loved how they let their employees explore different possibilities. Sergey and Larry did not know how successful the different projects would be. However, you do not remain on the top unless you can be innovating. Also, I really enjoyed the map of the world. I did not know so many people are using google at once around the world. It was awesome. It demonstrated how people from all over the world are connected. Also, I found it interesting that Australia did not have many hits compared to the United States or Europe. In the end, this was an excellent video with a lot of great points.


  1. I thought this video was really cool and gave the viewer an interesting perspective of what's going on at Google. I thought this video was a great way to reach all sorts of people and ramp up their interest in the company. I have never seen another company create a presentation quite like this one!

  2. I didn't think of the fact that we might want to keep an eye on the Internet Society. That's a good point though.

    One of my favorite parts in the Google video was also seeing how many people are connected over the internet. Wow!

  3. I am glad to know that I wasn't the only one who just found out about the Internet Society. Your right about the need for a group, and I agree, it is a lot of power to give one group. But then again, how does one regulate something as big and nebulous as the Internet?

  4. I hadn't heard of the Internet Society before either, but it sounds like something I should definitely learn more about. It's a very ominous name, I think - kind of abstract and like they could be up to anything!

  5. It's great how Google encourages the creativity and ideas of their employees. It's too bad that more employers don't behave that way. I also found it very interesting the lack of Google users in Africa. I know that I am able to stay in touch with my African friends through the Internet, and even those without computers frequently use Internet cafes. I expected it to not be very strong, but to be more than what was shown.
