Thursday, September 10, 2009

3rd Reading

1st reading,
I interpret this article as meaning Linux is a universal code which underlines technology allowing programs to run. Without Linux, the programs would not be adaptable to the computer. This is just another aspect of technology which has grown exponentially in the last thirty years. IT also demonstrates how every single piece of technology is being adapted for a global use. Linux can be used anywhere in anything it seemed.

2nd reading,
I found the Wikipedia site more useful than the Mac OSX Internals. The computer code in the Mac OSX Internals confused me. Wikipedia provided the brief overview I needed. Mac OSX Internal demonstrated to me that the Mac's computer is a very complicated machine. These articles made me think of a few questions. Which is more efficient a Mac's computer or a Window's computer? Is Mac or Windows friendlier for the users? Does it cost more to buy a Mac or Window? Depending on the answers to these questions, I might be willing to switch from a Window's computer to a Mac.

3rd reading,
This article reminded me of Moore's Law. Technology is improving every day. Windows continues to improve their programs. They want to be able to fulfill the demands of all users. This is an extremely hard task. People use their computers for multiple purposes. There are thousands of demands for different things on the computer. Windows is trying to keep up. One of the biggest demands I could see from this article came from gamers. They want their games to run more smoothly on the computer. Vista seems to be addressing this problem. Also, Window continues to offer support for their systems. If a person has a problem they can just call the help desk. This is extremely important for people like me. I continuously break my computer.


  1. After reading your post it made me think of how I view Microsoft and Mac. I am interested in the Mac but always think it might be too complicated to work. While Microsoft has some weird glitches it is so easy to use and rarely has compatibility issues often faced by Mac when it comes to sharing documents and such. Your connection between Microsoft and Moore's Law was also interesting. Microsoft does make a pretty valiant, if not sometimes misplaced effort to constantly improve their programs and service at a pace that seems to coincide with Moore's Law.

  2. I also found the wikipedia article on Macs much easier to follow than the other. I believe Macs are generally more expensive, but I could mistaken - it probably depends a lot on the speed and such of what you're buying. I generally find Windows to be more user friendly, but then that's what I'm used to and my friends who do own Macs swear by them religiously.

    I agree that it's great that Windows is offering XP support for such a long time. Usually they cut it off fairly abruptly to force people to switch to their neweset system and pay the money, so it's nice to see them thinking about the users for once.
